Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Washington State Dream Act - How to Help Pass this Bill

washington state dream act hb 1817

What is the Washington State Dream Act (HB 1817) ?

The Washington State Dream Act will allow some qualified DACA recipients to receive state financial aid. It would allow aspiring citizens who meet the income requirements to enter the pool only as equals.

No special treatment.

Higher education is still out of reach for many of us who are already on track, but can't afford school without some assistance. Luis' story is the perfect example.

Why it Make Sense to Pass the Washington State Dream Act

Immigrants are the driving force of Washington's economy. Our $18 billion agricultural industry depends on immigrant labor, not to mention the millions on sales tax contributions.

California, New Mexico and Texas already allow undocumented students to receive state financial aid. Washington could be next if there is enough support. Even though the bill has seven Republican co-sponsors, more need to hear our stories so that we pass it.

What Can You Do to Help Pass this Bill?

Simple. The most effective way to get support is by sharing our stories, just like Luis did. Share why education matters to you. 
